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Report / 2017年9月18日


Article / 2017年9月7日

The United Nations has called the situation in Yemen the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with more than 10 million people who require immediate assistance. And the situation could become even worse.

News / 2017年8月22日

Prišel je čas, ko moramo v milijonskem številu demonstrirati, ne proti temu ali onemu, temveč na temelju volje do dobrega in sočutja, ki opredeljujeta, kdo v resnici smo. Kajti v slehernem človeškem srcu je vgrajena ljubezen in modrost celotnega človeštva. - Mohammed Mesbahi

News / 2017年8月15日

Twenty million people risk dying of hunger in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and the north-east of Nigeria, including 1.4 million children suffering from severe malnutrition, the United Nations food relief agency said, spotlighting today its worldwide campaign to fight famine.

News / 2017年8月1日

Nearly four out of five children in Yemen are now in need of immediate humanitarian assistance, leading humanitarian groups announced in a joint statement Wednesday. Executive directors from UNICEF, the World Food Programme, and the World Health Organization said the overwhelming majority of Yemen's children now face a "vicious combination" of indiscriminate famine and the world's worst cholera epidemic on record.

Article / 2017年8月1日

'Non possiamo parlare dell’importanza della condivisione senza percepire gli effetti distruttivi per l’umanità della commercializzazione dilagante. Fintanto che viviamo in una società che é ciecamente guidata dalle forze della commercializzazione, il principio della condivisione sarà sempre periferico.’ 

News / 2017年7月25日

Calling for “immediate care and protection” for children caught up in violence in Iraq's war torn Mosul and other Middle East conflicts, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) today warned that the lives and futures of some 27 million across the region and parts of Africa are at risk.

News / 2017年7月17日

Less than a fifth of Americans are aware that extreme hunger threatens the lives of 20 million people in Africa and the Middle East, yet the overwhelming majority regard it as the most pressing global issue once they have been told, a poll of US voters has revealed.

Blog / 2017年6月30日


Blog / 2017年6月30日

As the blockade imposed by Israel approaches its 9th anniversary, it continues to devastate the lives and livelihoods of 1.8 million Palestinians living in Gaza.