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A full list of STWR's publications as well as related news, articles and blogs can be found below. You can filter the content using the 'category' or 'topics' links in the menu on the left. 

Blog / 22nd November 2023

People should not die because of their income or where they were born. We must have the courage to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry, writes Bernie Sanders.

Report / 20th November 2023

Pod okriljem Združenih narodov je mogoče v vsaki državi uvesti resnično univerzalni in brezpogojni temeljni dohodek. A za to bo sprva potrebna izjemna podpora javnosti pri odpravljanju lakote in nepotrebnega pomanjkanja na podlagi pravičnejše delitve svetovnih virov, kot poudarja Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi.

Event / 9th December 2023
UK, nationwide

As world leaders gather for the UN’s climate negotiations at COP28, activists across the UK are coming together on 9 December to demand climate justice.

News / 10th November 2023

Contrary to pledges to cut fossil fuel production, government policies worldwide will add up to a doubling of production in 2030, according to a new report from the UN environment agency..

Article / 10th November 2023

Many Americans believe that the nations abundance should be used not as a tool of death, but as a lifeline for poor and struggling people at home and abroad. By Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis.