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Report / 25th February 2006

This brief presents an analysis the free trade regime and it's negative impact on the least developed countries, and proposes more equitable alternatives for allocating essential goods and regulating international trade.

News / 2nd February 2006

A response to Mohammed Mesbahi's article 'the Tsunami, the Brandt Report' and other matters - from Christine Edwards of the Department for International Development.

Article / 1st February 2006

An overview of the issues surrounding the global commons, in relation to globalization, economic justice and the need to create a more sustainable world.

Report / 31st January 2006

Arguably the most comprehensive and solutions-oriented analysis of critical global economic issues to date was a report by the Independent Commission on International Development Issues, chaired by Willy Brandt (former Chancellor of West Germany) in 1980 - widely referred to as the 'Brandt Report'.

Article / 2nd January 2006

In the early 1980s Willy Brandt created an Independent Commission to study world poverty. Brandt was concerned that the prevailing economic system was the cause of immense poverty, suffering and degradation. ...