Die eskalierende globale Krise erfordert eine beispiellose Umverteilung von Wohlstand und Ressourcen, weshalb Aktivisten die radikale Vision der Vereinten Nationen zur Erreichung von Artikel 25 wiederbeleben sollten.
"This is the time to insist on multilateralism, solidarity, and science based health policy making at global and national level. This is the time to rally behind WHO."
Now is the time for citizens to ensure that world leaders forcefully respond to the COVID-19 crisis in accordance with human rights, write Isabel Ortiz and Walden Bello.
Tackling the coronavirus demands international action and solidarity on all fronts - not just for reasons of equity, but also practicality, writes Vanessa Baird for the New Internationalist.
Die einzige Gewissheit ist, dass die am stärksten gefährdeten und ausgeschlossenen Mitglieder der Gesellschaft, wie bei allen Wirtschaftskrisen, die schlimmsten Folgen tragenwerden.
The question is whether Covid-19 will awaken us to the stark inequalities of our world, or does it simply represent a new cause of impoverishment for the vast swathes of humanity who have long been disregarded by the public’s conscience.
Sign a petition from the International Peace Bureau (IPB) calling for a dramatic reduction of military spending in favour of healthcare and meeting social needs.