Amazon Summit ends with plan to protect rainforests but no measurable goals
Brazil’s Amazon Summit has closed with a roadmap to protect tropical rainforests but without concrete commitments to end deforestation.
Leaders and ministers from eight Amazon nations signed a declaration in Belem, Brazil, that laid out plans to drive economic development in their countries while preventing the Amazon’s ongoing demise “from reaching a point of no return”.
Several environmental groups described the declaration as a compilation of good intentions with little in the way of measurable goals and timeframes. However, it was lauded by others, and the Amazon’s umbrella organisation of indigenous groups celebrated the inclusion of two of its main demands.
“It is significant that the leaders of the countries of the region have listened to the science and understood the call of society: the Amazon is in danger, and we do not have much time to act,” the international group WWF said in a statement.
“However, WWF regrets that the eight Amazonian countries, as one front, have not reached a common point to end deforestation in the region.”
Joining the summit on Wednesday were the presidents of the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, an emissary from Indonesia’s president, and France’s ambassador to Brazil, representing the Amazonian territory of French Guiana. An emissary of Norway, the largest contributor to Brazil’s Amazon Fund for sustainable development, also attended.
The national representatives signed a similar, but much slimmer, agreement to that of their counterparts the prior day; it likewise contained no concrete goals and mostly reinforced criticism of developed nations for failure to provide promised vast climate financing.
The eight nations attending on Tuesday — Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela — are members of the newly revived Amazon Co-operation Treaty Organisation (Acto), who hope that a united front will give them a major voice in global environment talks ahead of the COP 28 climate conference in November.
Nature is in need of money
The summit reinforces Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s strategy to leverage global concern for the Amazon’s preservation. Emboldened by a 42% drop in deforestation during his first seven months in office, he has sought international financial support for forest protection.
Speaking to reporters after Wednesday’s meeting, Mr Lula railed against “protectionist measures poorly disguised as environmental concern” that restrict imports from developing nations, and said developed nations must make good on their pledges to provide monetary support for forest protection.
“Nature, which industrial development polluted for 200 years, needs them to pay their part so we can revive part of what was ruined. Nature is in need of money,” Mr Lula said.
The Amazon stretches across an area twice the size of India. Two-thirds of it lies in Brazil, with seven other countries and the territory of French Guiana sharing the remaining third. Governments have historically viewed it as an area to be colonised and exploited, with little regard for sustainability or the rights of its indigenous people.
All the Amazon countries have ratified the Paris climate accord, which requires signatories to set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But cross-border co-operation has historically been scant, undermined by low trust, ideological differences and the lack of government presence.
The members of ACTO — convening for only the fourth time in the organisation’s 45-year existence — demonstrated they are not fully aligned on key issues.
Forest protection commitments have been uneven. And their joint declaration did not include a shared commitment to zero deforestation by 2030, as some had hoped. Brazil and Colombia have already made that commitment.
Some scientists say that when 20% to 25% of the forest is destroyed, rainfall will dramatically decline, transforming more than half of the rainforest to tropical savannah, with immense biodiversity loss.
The Climate Observatory, a network of dozens of environmental and social groups, as well as Greenpeace and The Nature Conservancy lamented the lack of detailed pledges in the declaration.
“The 113 operating paragraphs of the declaration have the merit of reviving the forgotten Acto and recognise that the biome is reaching a point of no return, but doesn’t offer practical solutions or a calendar of actions to avoid it,” the Climate Observatory said in a statement.
Colombian indigenous leader Fany Kuiru, from the Co-ordinating Body of Indigenous Organisations of the Amazon Basin, praised the declaration for fulfilling two of their primary requests — an acknowledgment of their rights to traditional territories and the establishment of a mechanism for the formal participation of indigenous people within Acto.
Bruna Santos, director of the Brazil Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Centre, said the summit demonstrated “an effort to treat the Amazon as a regional agenda” but that it also highlighted ambiguities in the priorities of Brazil’s government, including with respect to oil exploration.
Colombia’s president spoke forcefully about the hypocrisy of pushing for Amazon preservation while pursuing oil, equating it to betting “on death and destroying life”.
Mr Lula has refrained from taking a definitive stance on oil, citing the decision as a technical matter. Meanwhile, Brazil’s state-run Petrobras company has been seeking to explore for oil near the mouth of the Amazon River.
Despite disagreements, there were signs of increased regional co-operation and growing global recognition of the Amazon’s importance in arresting climate change. A collective voice — along with funnelling more money into Acto — could help it serve as the region’s representative on the global stage ahead of the COP climate conference, leaders said.
Anders Haug Larsen, the head of international advocacy at Rainforest Foundation Norway, said that the Amazonian nations are correct to demand more money from developed nations, and that their political will to protect the rainforest represents a historic opportunity.
“With the plan from this summit and continuous reduced deforestation, this is where the international community should put its climate money,” he said.
Original source: Shropshire Star
Image credit: Some rights reserved by noradno, flickr creative commons