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Faith into action: Building a better world after the pandemic


Saturday, 14th November 2020


CAFOD, Online event

Join CAFOD for a day of online event on Saturday 14th November from 11am-4pm GMT to find out how you can play a part in creating the world after the pandemic. 

As the world looks at ways to rebuild from the pandemic, we must use this moment to tackle poverty, inequality and the climate emergency.

Inspired by Pope Francis’ latest encyclical Fratelli Tutti, theologian Sam Ewell and climate campaigners from across the world are gathering to discuss how to build a better world post-pandemic.

About this event

You’re invited to join in the discussion on the world we want to create after the pandemic – one where we respond to Pope Francis’s call and ensure plans for recovering from the crisis tackle poverty, inequality and the climate emergency.

Attendees will gather online for a few hours to reflect on what changes we want to see after the coronavirus crisis in participatory sessions led by practical theologian Sam Ewell and climate campaigners from around the world.

The event will also look at how we can turn Pope Francis’s most recent call to action into a reality, learning about his new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti.

CAFOD’s Director of Advocacy Neil Thorns will give an address on the crucial global talks the UK is hosting next year and discuss the practical steps we need to take to rebuild our common home.

This event is open to everyone who is interested in campaigning with CAFOD – new and experienced campaigners alike. All are welcome!

To register for the event click here.


11:00 – Introductions and opening prayer 

11:20 – Reflection session with practical theologian Sam Ewell

12:00 – Hearing from overseas communities on building a better world from the crisis 

12:40 – Lunch 

13:20 – Exploring Fratelli Tutti: A message from Pope Francis 

13:50 – The 2021 ‘super year’ with CAFOD's Director of Advocacy Neil Thorns

14:20 – Break

14:35 – ‘How do we build a better world from the crisis?’ with CAFOD campaigns

15:50 – Closing session 

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