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News / 2021年10月13日

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a “tragic reversal” in development and pushed debt in poor countries to record levels, the head of the World Bank has said.

Report / 2021年9月30日

Social Watchらによって発表された最新の「持続可能な開発に関するスポットライト2021」レポートは、新型コロナウイルス感染症危機における矛盾と偽善を克服する時期が来たと主張しています。

Report / 2021年9月30日

The latest Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2021 report argues that it's time to overcome contradictions and hypocrisy in the COVID-19 crisis. Published by Social Watch et al.

Report / 2021年9月24日

More than 100 countries face cuts to public spending on health, education and social protection as the Covid-19 pandemic compounds already high levels of debt, a new report says.

News / 2021年9月16日

A new report from the United Nations highlights divergent economic recoveries between nations and throws fresh urgency behind warnings that richer nations are not doing enough to help poorer countries from falling further behind as the world recovers from COVID-19 disruptions.

Blog / 2021年9月16日

Outrageous profits have been made by the extremely rich during the pandemic. They need to show shared sacrifice and solidarity by rallying behind the rest of the world, writes Anthony Kamande. 

Report / 2021年9月3日

A new briefing paper by Oxfam shows that the International Monetary Fund is systematically encouraging countries to adopt austerity measures once the pandemic subsides, risking a severe spike in already increased inequality levels.

Report / 2021年8月9日

A new global study sounds an alert of an emerging austerity shock: most governments are imposing budget cuts, precisely at a time when their citizens and economies are in greater need of public support. By the Initiative for Policy Dialogue et al.

Blog / 2021年6月14日

How the G7 continues to stand in the way of a more democratic international order - by Nick Dearden for the New Internationalist.

News / 2021年6月9日

The world’s richest countries have finally agreed in principle to the idea of a global minimum corporate tax rate—a step that could signal a conclusion to a debate that has been raging for nearly a decade.