International Sharing: Envisioning a New Economy
The purely market-based approach to development has failed the world's poor. If the global economy is to serve the interests of all people, it must be primarily geared towards securing basic human needs in perpetuity, founded upon a genuine form of multilateral cooperation and economic sharing.
Global Sharing Day 2013: Let's Talk about Food
The principle of sharing is now being related to food as a response to our broken food systems, but does it make sense to talk about sharing food on a global basis? Perhaps it does, as long as we advocate a true form of economic sharing that addresses the power structures and politics underlying our unjust globalised food economy.
極端な富 VS. グローバルな分かち合い
The Seven Myths of ‘Slums'
Conventional thinking on development issues is often characterised by many assumptions, clichés and rationalisations about the residents of slums. In challenging some of these core myths we can focus on the structural causes of urban poverty that result in the rapid growth of informal settlements.
Should We Celebrate a Decline in Global Poverty?
The World Bank's latest data suggests a decline in global poverty throughout every region of the developing world, as well as the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goal on halving poverty well ahead of schedule. But is this really the 'good news' that we are led to believe?
World Health and International Economic Sharing
Poverty and social conditions are widely acknowledged to be the major causes of ill health in developing countries. This report explains how greater international economic sharing is the first step towards achieving the worldwide goal of health care for all.
The Climate Deal Sham: Only Sharing can Break the Deadlock
The recent climate talks in Doha were held as if in an alternative reality to distressing developments across the world. But there still remains hope and optimism because there is no possibility of preventing runaway climate change without global sharing and justice.
The Follies of Growth and Climate Denial
The rising tide of economic growth has failed to lift all boats and is now promising to be environmentally disastrous. In the face of anthropogenic climate change, global poverty and growing inequality, we must urgently reassess our obsession with GDP.
STWR's Presentation at the World Public Forum 2012
STWR presented a paper entitled 'Envisioning a New Earth: Sharing the World's Resources' during the third plenary session of the World Public Forum 'Dialogue of Civilisations' 2012 conference, which took place in Rhodes, Greece. A video and edited transcript of the presentation are available below.
Has the World Given Up on Sustainable Development?
Following the latest weak outcome of the Commission on Sustainable Development, it is time to ask if the United Nations is achieving enough in the realm of sustainable agriculture - and to start building a grassroots movement that can forge a new vision for the future.
The Non-Aligned Movement: Renewed Relevance in a Time of Crisis
As poor countries are disproportionately affected by the financial, food, climate and security crises, the Non-Aligned Movement's call for greater international cooperation must no longer be drowned out by the rhetoric of the G8 and the G20.
The International Responsibility for Justice in Occupied Palestine
There can be no talk of peace in the Middle East so long as Israel is given political immunity, financial assistance and diplomatic support by other Western states. It is high time that the international community assumed responsibility for securing justice for the Palestinian people.
Bruce Kent: Sharing the World's Resources
A letter from one of the UK's veteran anti-war activists, Bruce Kent, endorses the principle of sharing and asks why more people are not engaged in the politics of building a more just world.
Gaza: A Cry for Justice
The real path to peace in the Middle East, requiring the establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza, is dependent on Israel's recognition of its responsibility to ensure economic justice in the Palestinian territories.
Revisiting Economic Man
Recent empirical studies suggest that people, far from being self-interested ‘rational maximizers’, have an innate tendency to share and cooperate. Could renewed scientific interest in the essence of human nature provide the building blocks for an alternative economic order?
When Will Ordinary People Rise Up?
If world leaders and policymakers are paying merely lip service to the unfolding human and environmental catastrophe, is the growing power of the people's voice sufficient to challenge the immense forces that stand in the way of creating a just and sustainable world?
A Global Call for Sharing and Justice
Protesters in the Arab world have much in common with those reacting to austerity across Europe, as well as the millions who have mobilised in support of ending poverty in the Global South. What we may be witnessing is an emerging public voice in favour of a fundamental reordering of global priorities.
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