Goodwill Meditation Group Webinar: Sharing the World's Resources

Wednesday, 28th September 2022Where
World Goodwill, GlobalFor September's webinar, World Goodwill welcomes the organisation “Share the World’s Resources” (STWR) represented by Adam Parsons. “Share the World’s Resources” will showcase their work pursuing the integration of the principle of sharing into world affairs as a pragmatic solution to a broad range of interconnected crises, while World Goodwill will discuss the main energies involved in the regulation of planetary resources. The webinar will conclude with the World Goodwill meditation and all are welcome to participate!
The webinar takes place at 12:00 noon New York time/ 5:00 pm London time/ 6:00 pm Geneva time and will be hosted on the platform, ZOOM.
Watch a recorded version on Youtube
or view on the World Goodwill Facebook page.