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Report / 29th September 2015

The Sustainable Development Goals – despite their positive and progressive rhetoric – by no means constitute a transformative agenda for meeting the basic needs of all people within the means of our shared planet. This report argues that we may never see an end to poverty “in all its forms everywhere” unless ordinary people unite in their millions and demand the universal realisation of fundamental human rights through huge, continuous and worldwide demonstrations for economic justice.

Report / 30th July 2015

After so many years of political inaction only the massed goodwill of ordinary people can bring about an end to poverty in a world of plenty through enormous and continual protests across all countries. So let’s take the path of least resistance and jointly herald the long-agreed human rights of Article 25—for adequate food, housing, healthcare and social security for all.

Article / 30th July 2015

Share The World’s Resources (STWR) have published a flagship publication on the need for a massive mobilisation of civil society to end hunger and life-threatening poverty as an overriding priority for the world’s governments, which will require an unprecedented uprising of ordinary people on behalf of the least privileged among us.

Blog / 29th July 2015

Compartir Los Recursos Del Mundo (STWR) ha editado una nueva publicación importante sobre la necesidad de una movilización masiva de la sociedad civil para terminar con el hambre y la pobreza que ponen en peligro la vida, como una prioridad absoluta para los gobiernos del mundo, lo que requerirá un levantamiento sin precedentes de la gente común en nombre de los menos privilegiados entre nosotros.

Article / 15th June 2015

To realise the true potential of sharing and collaborative consumption we need to challenge the prevailing economic model, particularly the excesses of consumer culture and the widening of inequalities that are an inherent feature of modern capitalist societies.