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Article / 2nd February 2016

As part of STWR’s ‘global call for sharing’ campaign, we periodically highlight the growing public debate on the need for wealth, power and resources to be shared more equitably both within countries and internationally.

Blog / 2nd February 2016

As an unprecedented alliance of campaign organisations combine their efforts in calling on governments to tackle the root causes of inequality, a new opportunity arises to instigate a much needed public debate on why future policy decisions should be guided by the principle of sharing.

Blog / 14th January 2016

In line with the steady rise in social unrest over the past decade, it’s likely that we will witness an unprecedented escalation in large-scale citizen protests across the globe in 2016 and beyond.

Report / 24th December 2015

Our annual review for 2015 provides an overview of STWR’s activities over the course of the year as well as our key areas of focus for 2016, which includes ongoing research and writing projects alongside new plans for campaigning, networking and publications.

Blog / 23rd December 2015

There is no true ambition or justice in a global climate deal that undermines the principles of sharing, equity and justice. But after the ‘COP-out’ negotiations in Paris, there is still every hope that the growing power of the people’s voice can usher in a more equal and sustainable world.​