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Article / 21st November 2016

The following collective statement was issued by organisations, networks, and movements gathered in Marrakech at COP22, in response to Donald Trump becoming President-Elect of the United States of America and its potentially devastating implications for the cause of climate justice.

Blog / 8th November 2016

Sophia Murphy, from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) speaks with The Real News on how for the past 20 years, the World Trade Organisation rules have failed to address basic inequities in world agriculture. What is urgently required is a new framework for global agriculture that embraces principles of agro-ecology, remunerative prices, sustainable livelihoods and ecological sustainability.

Report / 27th October 2016

The Living Planet Report 2016 reaffirms WWF’s ‘One Planet Perspective’ on the need for better choices for governing, using and sharing natural resources within the Earth’s ecological boundaries. Ultimately, addressing social inequality and environmental degradation depends on creating a new economic system that enhances and supports the natural capital upon which it relies.

Report / 21st October 2016

A new report by the Environmental Working Group confronts the myth that American farmers must double their food production to 'feed the world'. Instead, the key to ending world hunger while protecting the environment is to help small farmers in the developing world increase their productivity and income, and to promote “agro-ecology” everywhere.

Article / 21st October 2016

Following the Monsanto People’s Assembly in The Hague, activists converged around the need to 'globalise the struggle' for a new model of food and farming led by the grassroots, writes Ronnie Cummins.