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Blog / 10th November 2014

Civil society groups at the United Nations are highlighting a powerful new movement in our midst based on caring, sharing, community and cooperation - and they propose a comprehensive vision for how governments can unleash its full potential.

Article / 22nd October 2014

In this ongoing series of studies by STWR’s founder, Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi, he investigates the meaning and significance of the principle of sharing from spiritual and psychological as well as social, economic and political perspectives.

Article / 8th August 2014

Če smo zainteresirani, da zaustavimo trajno kriminalno ravnanje, ki sredi obilja povzroča stradanje, svojih aktivnosti ne smemo omejiti samo na raven svoje lastne države ali lokalne skupnosti. Rajši razmišljajmo o medsebojni delitvi hrane na globalni ravni in, pred vsem drugim, v povezavi s politiko dokončnega izkoreninjenja lakote.

Report / 17th June 2014

In an increasingly unequal and unsustainable world, governments must urgently move beyond the restrictive political and economic ideologies of the past and embrace solutions that meet the common needs of people in all countries. This primer outlines the extent of the interconnected global crises we face, and points the way towards an alternative approach to managing the world’s resources based upon international cooperation and economic sharing.

Article / 1st November 2013

Se ci interessa mettere fine al perenne crimine della fame nel mezzo dell'abbondanza, non possiamo limitare le nostre azioni al livello del nostro paese o communità. Invece, dobbiamo pensare alla condivisione del cibo in termini globali e soprattutto in relazione alle politiche per mettere fine alla fame.