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Petition: Divert military spending to global covid relief!

Extreme poverty has been a blight on our world for decades. Countless millions are struggling to survive without access to the basic necessities for a dignified life. Yet the world produces more than enough food, medicine and resources for everyone.

The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this dire situation. It has also demonstrated how undeniably interconnected and interdependent is our world. Article 25 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights points the way forward, underscoring the necessity of guaranteeing adequate food, shelter, healthcare and social security for all.

The first step must be COOPERATION between all nations towards an emergency programme of poverty relief.

Take action to demand that our governments redirect a portion of military expenditures into a global fund for addressing the critical needs of the poor, with the United Nations to initiate and oversee this process.

Sign the petition

Take action to demand that our governments redirect a portion of military expenditures into a global fund for addressing the critical needs of the poor, with the United Nations to initiate and oversee this process.

1223 have signed help us reach 1500

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