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Share The World's Resources at the European Social Forum, London

19 October 2004

We would like to thank all our members, contributors and the public for their valuable efforts and keen interest in our work at the European Social Forum last weekend.

Our stall was amongst more than 2,000 organisations and several hundred artists during the 3 day event at Alexandra Palace, North London, and ESF organisers were overwhelmed at the event's popularity. Many thousands of people from over 70 countries, had attended more than 500 meetings over the 3 days.

During this time, STWR members distributed over 30,000 cards, information brochures and articles, and our presence generated a great deal of interest from students, journalists, other organisations and members of the public, many of whom requested regular news letters and submitted themselves as members and volunteers. In addition, we were interviewed by the BBC, and the message of Sharing The World’s Resources was aired on BBC Radio 4 on Saturday evening.

The Event was followed by a huge demonstration in central London on Sunday afternoon. A reporter from the Guardian news paper estimated 70,000 participants on the march which ended at Trafalgar square, where amongst others, Bruce Kent, Tony Benn, George Galloway and the Muslim Association of Britain gave speeches on the illegal war in Iraq, the privatisation of public services and racism.

STWR held a strong presence both during the march and at Trafalgar square with huge banners exclaiming "Sharing = Justice = Peace" and "No Blood For Oil, Let's Share The World's Resources!" which generated further interest in our work.

Over the coming weeks STWR will be contacting all those who supported us, and organising further activities and projects. We will keep you posted.