The Time is Now

Wednesday, 26th June 2019Where
Westminster, London, UKOn 26th June thousands of us will come together in London to send a message to politicians - it's time to end the UK's contribution to climate change and pass ambitious laws that create a healthier environment for nature and people.
The Time is Now mass lobby is being organised by The Climate Coalition and Greener UK, two coalitions of organisations that represent millions of people across the UK. From surfers to scientists, bird watchers to doctors, everyone has a stake in the state of our environment.
This summer the British government will decide whether to end the country's contribution to climate change by committing to an ambitious net zero emissions target. They will also have the chance to end nature’s decline by committing to a strong Environment Bill. Now is the time to push for bold action.
Spread the word! Email your MP and tell them you’re coming. Invite your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. If you can’t make it to London why not get your community together to organise a regional meeting with your MP?
Sign up here or drop a line on