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A zero growth economy? What would it mean for us all?

26 September 2009

Share The World's Resources operated a stall at a Quakers conference held at Friends House, London, on the 26th September 2009. The event focussed on the possibility of a zero growth economy as well as other progressive ideas on how to alleviate poverty and combat climate change.

As December's climate change negotiations in Copenhagen draw near, the Quakers in Britain hosted a conference at Friends House in London focussing on the impact of unfettered economic growth on poverty reduction and climate change. The event, which took place on Saturday 26th October 2009, was entitled, 'A Zero Growth Economy? What Would It Mean for Us All?', and was attended by around 350 members of the public and Quakers from around the UK.

Share The World's Resources operated a stall during the conference that was well attended throughout the day by a steady stream of supportive visitors. We provided attendees with information on our activities and our position on climate change through leaflets and information sheets. Many people also subscribed to our newsletter and offered to present our information to their respective groups around the UK.

Highlights included stimulating talks from Richard Douthwaite from the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (Faesta), Miriam Kennet from the Green Economics Institute, Duncan Green from Oxfam, and activist and author, Alistair McIntosh. Various progressive viewpoints were advocated, including the idea that it is feasible to achieve "prosperity without growth", the need to ration economic growth in order to target poverty reduction, and a proposal to share carbon emissions rights through a "cap and share" scheme. The day ended with a panel discussion between the speakers, addressing questions submitted from the audience, who were also invited to comment.

More information about the event, including the speakers' PowerPoint presentations and audio recordings of the talks, can be accessed through the Quakers' website.