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News / 2023年3月24日


News / 2023年3月21日

Humanity still has a chance, close to the last one, to prevent the worst of climate change’s future harms, a top United Nations panel of scientists report.

Article / 2023年3月16日


Article / 2023年3月16日

The data is shocking: three-quarters of African Governments have already reduced their agricultural budgets while paying almost double that on arms.

Article / 2023年3月13日

While campaigners hail a triumph of multilateralism, the new UN treaty has far from declared the high seas to be the 'Common Heritage of Mankind' and it has yet to agree any mechanisms for sharing ocean resources, explains Binoy Kampmark.

News / 2023年3月6日

After 15 years of disagreement, failures and stalled formal and informal talks, there is finally a UN high seas treaty that will help to protect vast swathes of the planet's oceans.

Article / 2023年2月22日

Scholars and activists are developing a new political vision for managing the world economy that is reminiscent of the UN Declaration on a New International Economic Order, now 50 years old. 

Blog / 2022年12月21日

A lack of financial resources was a major sticking point at the talks, as well as vague commitments on reducing consumption and production. Report by Catherine Early for The Ecologist.

Article / 2022年12月9日

At this time of year, it is easy to forget the reality of the critical world situation as we partake in frantic overconsumption and festivities. But what is the real meaning of Christmas in the midst of environmental destruction, growing levels of poverty and escalating global tensions?

Article / 2022年12月7日
