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Article / 2022年12月6日

The continued failures of COP27 only reinforces the need for vastly scaled-up civil society movements, as STWR has advocated since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015. 

Article / 2022年12月2日

Richer countries haven't met their $100 billion promise to help poorer countries move beyond fossil fuels. Where's the money going to come from?

Article / 2022年12月1日

COP27 marked the point where equity finally took center stage. National fair shares are now on the agenda, if only as the background to an inevitable debate about pragmatic ways forward, writes Tom Athanasiou for Foreign Policy in Focus.

Blog / 2022年12月1日

At COP27, wealthy governments are pushing for stronger efforts to limit global warming—while failing to deliver the finance and technology promised for climate action in poorer countries.

News / 2022年11月22日

After days of intense negotiations in Sharm el-Sheikh, countries at the latest UN Climate Change Conference, COP27, reached agreement on an outcome that established a funding mechanism to compensate vulnerable nations for ‘loss and damage’ from climate-induced disasters.

News / 2022年11月22日

As the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP27) closes, the collective power of civil society groups and grassroots climate activists saw a historic outcome with the establishment of a loss and damage fund. 

News / 2022年11月18日


Report / 2022年11月16日


Report / 2022年11月16日

A new report provides a global equity analysis of how climate pledges stack up against the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5°C.

News / 2022年11月15日

Media organisations worldwide have published a common view about the need for nations to cooperate, accept their moral responsibilities and fairly share the burden of tackling climate change.