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Article / 2023年6月20日

A letter from policy experts calls on Global North leaders to put real global financial system transformation on the agenda, starting by redirecting funds from fossil fuels, unfair colonial debts, and the super-rich.

Article / 2023年6月9日


Article / 2023年6月9日

Aid agencies call on global donors to address the impact of climate change by making financial pledges required to fully fund the humanitarian response in the Sahel region.

Article / 2023年6月2日

Without food sovereignty, private businesses will continue profiteering at the expense of the planet, writes Davi Martins.

Article / 2023年6月2日


Blog / 2023年4月22日


Blog / 2023年4月22日

STWR joins the call for governments to change course and focus on rapid, deep cuts to military spending that are driving an arms race and fueling war. 'War costs the earth', says the Global Campaign on Military Spending.

Article / 2023年4月6日

With a renewal of internationalism again on the agenda, we need to urgently reflect on the concept of the global commons. Do natural resources not belong to all the inhabitants of the Earth? 

Article / 2023年3月24日

STWR joins the call of social movements at the 2023 UN Water Conference to insist that ‘water justice’ based on human rights is at the centre of policies to solve the global water crisis.

News / 2023年3月24日

Amid a lack of global cooperation, the world is far off-track in achieving universal access to clean drinking water by 2030, according to a United Nations report released as officials marked World Water Day.