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Article / 19th May 2008

Some key facts, organisations, books and further resources that relate to international politics and global governance issues.

Article / 19th May 2008

The failure of the IMF, World Bank and WTO to represent and further the interests of the developing world, through their one-size-fits-all approach, has lead to the collapse of trade negations, widespread criticism of their effectiveness, and bitter international protest. Many countries are rejecting the neoliberal ideologies of the ‘unholy trinity’ with intensifying calls for their reform or decommissioning.

Article / 19th May 2008

Although the United Nations remains heavily criticised for its complexity and bias towards the ‘big 5’ nations, it’s noble origins and ideals – embodied in the UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights – emphasises the need for a more democratic, powerful and ultimately more representative UN system that can act as a conduit for international cooperation and the securing of basic human needs.

Report / 27th September 2007

This report presents an analysis of the effectiveness of the United Nations and outlines measures which can significantly reform the body to ensure that it can more readily realise its humanitarian mandate and exert greater control over the global economy.

Article / 7th June 2007

Once again the G8 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, UK and the US) have begun their annual summit. This year it takes place at Heiligendamm, a small seaside resort in North Germany, which has been transformed into a fortress, surrounded by twelve kilometres of welded metal fence...