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Report / 15th April 2019

We need a radically different and rebalanced financial system which ensures that the very poorest are included and actively supported to thrive, and in which developing countries have an equal say in making the rules governing the global economy. A briefing from Christian Aid.

Article / 11th April 2019

Finance has always been a contentious issue at climate change talks, but developing countries will only dare commit themselves to greater emission cuts when they are assured that the monies pledged will come through, writes Prerna Bomzan for Third World Resurgence. 

Article / 22nd March 2019

An international group of MPs calls for a body to strengthen the democratic representation of the world’s citizens in global affairs and the UN’s decision-making.

Blog / 21st March 2019

A comprehensive United Nations report released on Wednesday found that while global human health is under dire threat from the climate crisis and industrial pollution, there is still a window for bold and urgent action if world leaders would but seize it, reports Jake Johnson for Common Dreams. 

Blog / 21st March 2019

Ultimately, the solutions to inequality will come from those who are at the frontlines of it, not the 1% that caused it and continues to benefit from it. And as anger about shocking levels of inequality continues to grow, so will the movement to fight inequality, writes Jenny Ricks for Inter Press Service.