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Report / 16th November 2019

In einer zunehmend ungleichen und nicht nachhaltigen Welt müssen die Regierungen dringend die restriktiven politischen und wirtschaftlichen Ideologien der Vergangenheit überwinden und Lösungen finden, die den gemeinsamen Bedürfnissen der Menschen in allen Ländern gerecht werden. 

News / 18th September 2019

The United Nations will be hosting six high level plenary meetings—unprecedented even by its own standards—during the beginning of the 74th session of the General Assembly in late September.

Blog / 10th September 2019

The fund’s loan agreement with Ecuador will worsen unemployment and poverty, providing more reasons for serious reform at the IMF, writes Mark Weisbrot.

Article / 28th August 2019

As global leaders gather in the coming months at several summits and meetings, the following open letter is written by the growing global movement to fight inequality - calling out the failure of the current approach by governments and to set out a vision for radical change.

Blog / 16th August 2019

The World Bank claims poverty is decreasing around the world but UN research shows it depends on what you measure. If we are serious about reducing poverty, we need to start by properly identifying it.