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Share The World's Resources talk at the World Goodwill seminar, London, Nov 2008

Adam Parsons
01 November 2008

STWR was invited to present a talk at a seminar held by World Goodwill in London on November 1st 2008, an event in support of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

An afternoon of talks and discussion was held on the challenges facing democracies in the present time of uncertainty and insecurity. The event, under the theme "Human Rights, Spiritual Responsibilities - A Crisis for Democracy?", was held simultaneously across the three headquarters of World Goodwill in London, Geneva and New York. Two broad questions were addressed by participants: How should democratic governments reconcile human rights and human freedoms with the need to guarantee security to their citizens? And how can both governments and their citizens help to promote human rights and security on a world-wide scale?

The presentation by STWR, titled 'Sharing to secure human rights: democracy in action', was conducted by STWR's editor Adam W. Parsons. He discussed the idea that it is a fundamental human right to share equally in the world’s resources, that free markets are incapable of securing basic needs universally, and the implications this has for democratic forms of government and global citizenship. The talk, listened to by around 100 people attending the seminar, was well received and generated many supportive comments.

The two other guest speakers were Julia Hausermann M.B.E., Founder and President of Rights and Humanity, and Simon Marlow, a professional pianist and a long-time co-worker with World Goodwill.

Link to a full transcript of the talk conducted by STWR

Audio of the talk (Full Length - 24mins.51sec: