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Blog / 2023年8月10日


Blog / 2023年8月9日

A decent nutritious diet is now out of reach for nearly half the planet. We need a completely new recipe to address hunger and rebuild countries’ capacity to produce the food they require, writes Olivier De Schutter for IPS news.

Article / 2023年6月2日

Without food sovereignty, private businesses will continue profiteering at the expense of the planet, writes Davi Martins.

Article / 2023年6月2日


Article / 2023年3月24日

STWR joins the call of social movements at the 2023 UN Water Conference to insist that ‘water justice’ based on human rights is at the centre of policies to solve the global water crisis.

News / 2023年3月24日

Amid a lack of global cooperation, the world is far off-track in achieving universal access to clean drinking water by 2030, according to a United Nations report released as officials marked World Water Day.

Article / 2023年3月16日


Article / 2023年3月16日

The data is shocking: three-quarters of African Governments have already reduced their agricultural budgets while paying almost double that on arms.

Report / 2023年2月28日

The world’s biggest agribusiness corporations made more in billion-dollar profits since 2020 than the amount that the UN estimates could cover the basic needs of the world’s most vulnerable, a new report has found.

Report / 2023年2月28日
