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Article / 2019年3月22日

An international group of MPs calls for a body to strengthen the democratic representation of the world’s citizens in global affairs and the UN’s decision-making.

Blog / 2019年3月21日

A comprehensive United Nations report released on Wednesday found that while global human health is under dire threat from the climate crisis and industrial pollution, there is still a window for bold and urgent action if world leaders would but seize it, reports Jake Johnson for Common Dreams. 

Blog / 2019年3月21日

Ultimately, the solutions to inequality will come from those who are at the frontlines of it, not the 1% that caused it and continues to benefit from it. And as anger about shocking levels of inequality continues to grow, so will the movement to fight inequality, writes Jenny Ricks for Inter Press Service.

Blog / 2019年3月11日

In a speech given at the UN Climate Change Conference in Poland (COP24), 15-year-old Greta Thunberg cuts to the heart of the challenge and calls for the principle of equity to be upheld through structural transformations and sharing the world's resources.

Blog / 2019年1月30日

A global gathering of world elites is taking place in Davos, Switzerland, this week, claiming—as it does every year—to “define priorities and shape global, industry and regional agendas.” 

Article / 2018年12月24日

The UN General Assembly is set to vote on the final draft of the global compact on refugees as a basis for a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world’s refugees.

Article / 2018年12月24日

Numerous political leaders from all over the world are gathered these days in Marrakech, under the auspices of the UN, to sign a new migration agreement: the Global Compact for Migration.

Article / 2018年12月24日


Article / 2018年12月14日

Heed Monday’s anniversary, for talk of rights is increasingly becoming hazardous to health in vast parts of the globe, writes N. Jarayam for openDemocracy.

Article / 2018年11月28日

The world must get serious about matching multilateral money with multilateral needs, and devote at least 2% of world income to global public goods. And the time has come to think again about new global taxes, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.