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Article / 2019年8月28日


Blog / 2019年8月16日

The World Bank claims poverty is decreasing around the world but UN research shows it depends on what you measure. If we are serious about reducing poverty, we need to start by properly identifying it.

Report / 2019年7月26日


Report / 2019年7月26日

The United Nations launched its 2019 report on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), showing inadequate progress in the fourth year into the sustainable development agenda and highlighting the need for imminent global action.

Report / 2019年7月8日

Four years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda the world is off-track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Most governments have failed to turn the transformational vision of the 2030 Agenda into real transformational policies. 

Blog / 2019年4月18日

Serious flaws in the system for tracking progress on the Sustainable Development Goals have been uncovered in a newly published collection of stunning, provocative research by eminent policy specialists.

Article / 2019年4月18日

A decade after the financial crisis shook the foundations of the global financial system, the Bretton Woods Institutions face an uncertain future. The following overview is written for a series on the 'crisis of multilateralism' by openDemocracy with The Bretton Woods Project. 

Report / 2019年4月16日

A major new UN-led report warns that a comprehensive overhaul of the world’s financial system is necessary if governments are to honour commitments to combatting climate change and eradicating poverty by 2030.

Report / 2019年4月15日

We need a radically different and rebalanced financial system which ensures that the very poorest are included and actively supported to thrive, and in which developing countries have an equal say in making the rules governing the global economy. A briefing from Christian Aid.

Article / 2019年4月11日

Finance has always been a contentious issue at climate change talks, but developing countries will only dare commit themselves to greater emission cuts when they are assured that the monies pledged will come through, writes Prerna Bomzan for Third World Resurgence.