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News / 11th November 2020

Over 1,000 health professionals from 66 countries have signed a letter urging the G20 to cancel the debt of developing countries, ahead of an extraordinary G20 Finance Ministers meeting.

Article / 23rd October 2020

As the World Bank and IMF sound the alarm on debts driven sky high by Covid-19 in some of the world’s poorest nations, debt ‘relief’ will not cut it – we need a thoroughgoing transformation of the global economy. By Nick Dearden for the New Internationalist.

Report / 14th October 2020

Despite its own warnings, the International Monetary Fund is risking another ‘lost decade’ for development, reports Soren Ambrose for openDemocracy.

Report / 12th October 2020

An exit strategy from the World Bank and IMF could lead to serious efforts to create a new system of international governance based on the principles of mutual respect, equality, and cooperation, argues Walden Bellow for FocusWeb.

News / 7th October 2020

More than five hundred of the world’s leading charities, social groups and academics have sent a letter to the International Monetary Fund warning that its support programs are condemning many countries to years of austerity.