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News / 7th October 2020

In an encyclical, the most authoritative form of papal teaching, Francis lamented poor cooperation among countries and warned the forces of “myopic, extremist, resentful and aggressive nationalism are on the rise.”

Blog / 28th July 2020

Last week marked 15 years since the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, when leaders of the world’s richest countries agreed debt cancellation for many of the world’s poorest heavily indebted countries.

Article / 26th June 2020

Despite decades of protests against them, the IMF and World Bank continue to force the same discredited policies on poor governments and their people, writes Lara Merling.

Article / 7th May 2020

 Far from being the 'great leveller', COVID-19 has exposed and deepened socio-economic inequalities, writes Meera Karunananthan for openDemocracy.

Blog / 24th April 2020

Now is the time for citizens to ensure that world leaders forcefully respond to the COVID-19 crisis in accordance with human rights, write Isabel Ortiz and Walden Bello.