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News / 16th April 2020

International aid and development organisations stress that suspending debt payments during a major global economic and health emergency may not be enough to fight the crises. 

Blog / 6th April 2020

The time has come for a massively ambitious plan to overcome the impacts of the coronavirus crisis in developing countries, and on a scale we’ve never seen before in our lifetimes. By Chema Vera from Oxfam International. 

Blog / 23rd March 2020

While the world's richest have seen a dip in their stock holdings, those on the bottom of the wealth scale will bear the heaviest burden of the crisis, writes Max Lawson for inequality.org.

News / 23rd March 2020

Rapid action is needed to head off the risk of a new debt crisis in the world’s poorest countries amid evidence that the Covid-19 pandemic is raising borrowing costs and hitting commodity exports, according to a leading campaign group.

Report / 11th March 2020

Public services play a critical role in advancing human rights and fighting inequality. But growing levels of external public debt threaten the very services on which citizens depend in order to have even a basic standard of living, explains a report by Eurodad.