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Report / 2021年11月8日

A fair share analysis finds current pledges from wealthy countries fall much further below the mark than previously understood, demonstrating the need for international climate action on fossil fuel production.

Article / 2021年10月26日

The COVID-19 pandemic has cast into stark relief the consequences of decades of privatisation and commercialisation of essential public services. Join the growing movement to build public services as part of a just recovery.

Blog / 2021年9月24日

The UN food summit was hijacked early on by powerful corporate interests – but people are resisting, write Elizabeth Mpofu and Henk Hobbelink.

Blog / 2021年8月16日

STWR have initiated a new crowdfunder to raise money for advertising our campaign across central London, UK.

Blog / 2021年8月16日

STWR would like to thank everyone who contributed to our Billboard Project to advertise the campaign for Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

News / 2021年7月26日


News / 2021年7月26日

Over 300 global civil society organizations of small-scale food producers, researchers and Indigenous Peoples’ are gathering online (25-28 July) to protest against the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit.

Report / 2021年7月4日


Report / 2021年7月2日

STWR’s priorities have remained focused on the core objective of promoting our vision of a massive worldwide citizen’s movement to end hunger and poverty. Read more about our activities in 2020 and our future plans.

Blog / 2021年6月14日

How the G7 continues to stand in the way of a more democratic international order - by Nick Dearden for the New Internationalist.