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Blog / 2023年4月22日

STWR joins the call for governments to change course and focus on rapid, deep cuts to military spending that are driving an arms race and fueling war. 'War costs the earth', says the Global Campaign on Military Spending.

Article / 2023年1月19日

STWR join hundreds of organisations in signing the Santiago Declaration against the commercialisation and privatisation of public services.

Report / 2022年12月29日


Article / 2022年12月9日

At this time of year, it is easy to forget the reality of the critical world situation as we partake in frantic overconsumption and festivities. But what is the real meaning of Christmas in the midst of environmental destruction, growing levels of poverty and escalating global tensions?

Article / 2022年12月7日


Article / 2022年12月6日

The continued failures of COP27 only reinforces the need for vastly scaled-up civil society movements, as STWR has advocated since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015. 

Article / 2022年12月2日

Richer countries haven't met their $100 billion promise to help poorer countries move beyond fossil fuels. Where's the money going to come from?

News / 2022年11月22日

As the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP27) closes, the collective power of civil society groups and grassroots climate activists saw a historic outcome with the establishment of a loss and damage fund. 

Report / 2022年10月8日

新しい報告書、End Austerity: A global report on budget cuts and harmful social reforms(反緊縮: 予算削減と有害な社会改革に関するグローバル報告書)は、2023年までに世界人口の85%が緊縮財政政策の中での生活を強いられるであろうことを示しています。

Report / 2022年10月8日

A new report End Austerity: A global report on budget cuts and harmful social reforms shows that 85 per cent of the world’s population will live in the grip of austerity measures by 2023.