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Blog / 2021年6月11日


Blog / 2021年6月11日

Leading Astronauts from the USA, Japan and South Korea have joined forces in a new short film targeting G7 leaders, who meet this weekend in Cornwall, UK.

News / 2021年4月30日

Over 200 organisations from 67 countries call for the transformation of the WTO into a completely new framework for international trade that is fit for the 21st century – which means it puts people and the planet first.

Article / 2021年4月20日

The “inequality pandemic” calls for a new social contract, but it will not happen unless millions around the world mobilise to make it a reality, write Imani Countess and William Minter for The US−Africa Bridge Building Project.

Article / 2021年4月13日

Protest movements are on the rise worldwide amid deepening inequalities and job crises worsened by the continuing coronavirus pandemic.

Article / 2021年4月13日


News / 2021年3月31日

Share The World’s Resources (STWR) have released a revised second edition of the campaigning book by Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi, titled 'Heralding Article 25: A people's strategy for world transformation'.

Article / 2021年3月23日

As the UN commemorates World Water Day, Volkan Bozkir - President of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly - highlights the moral failure of providing this most basic need to all.

News / 2021年2月16日

Ahead of critical talks at the World Trade Organization, civil society and trade unions from the Global South are calling on rich countries’ leaders to stop blocking a proposal to waive certain intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines and other medical products.

News / 2021年2月16日
