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Blog / 2022年10月1日

It wouldn't take more than 1% of the U.S. population to rise up and get organized behind key popular demands to make them a reality - and yet we continue to endlessly wait, writes Ralph Nader in Common Dreams.

Report / 2022年9月15日


Report / 2022年9月15日

As the year 2021 began, the need for sharing global resources was unprecedented. Read more about STWR's activities in 2021 and our future plans.

Blog / 2022年9月2日

50 years ago, the report ‘The Limits of Growth’ was published — and its scenarios turned out surprisingly accurate. But we can still change course, writes Jayati Ghosh

Blog / 2022年8月25日

Change will come, and can only come from committed people mobilizing in common cause as a powerful social movement, writes David Korten.

Blog / 2022年8月15日

Millions of lives are at stake and the world’s most vulnerable do not have the luxury of time, write Abdulla Shahid and Gabriel Ferrero de Loma-Osorio.

Blog / 2022年8月5日

The real solution to the threat of nuclear war is in plain sight, but still the powerful weapons makers and war profiteers refuse to yield. By Marcy Winogra and Medea Benjamin for Common Dreams.

Report / 2022年8月3日

Ekonomija delitve pomeni konec starih načinov, ki jih opredeljujejo tekmovalni sebični interesi in hlastanje po dobičku, nova doba meddržavne delitve in sodelovanja pa se bo začela šele s končanjem lakote v svetu, ki ima tako obilo finančnega kapitala in razpoložljivih virov. 

Blog / 2022年6月24日

Tens of thousands of people joined the Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls on June 18. 

Blog / 2022年6月10日

How long can billionaires continue to amass wealth while the world's poorest struggle to buy food? By Paul Rogers for Common Dreams.