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News / 2021年12月14日

A total of 274 million people worldwide will need emergency aid and protection in 2022, a 17 per cent increase compared with this year, the UN has reported. 

News / 2021年10月16日

A “toxic cocktail” comprising the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, and “increasingly severe and protracted” violent conflicts is contributing to the reversal of progress in eliminating hunger, according to the 2021 Global Hunger Index.

Report / 2021年7月13日


Report / 2021年7月12日

11 people are likely dying every minute from hunger, now outpacing COVID-19 fatalities, warns Oxfam.

News / 2021年5月5日

The number of people facing acute food insecurity and needing urgent life and livelihood-saving assistance has hit a five-year high in 2020 in countries beset by food crises, according to the findings of an annual report by the Global Network Against Food Crises.

News / 2021年5月5日


Blog / 2021年5月4日

Imagine what could be achieved if just a portion of the money spent on military expenditures were pooled into a global fund, and redirected towards ending hunger and massively investing in public health systems. 

Article / 2021年4月30日

The latest figures of rising arms expenditures by some of the big powers makes a mockery of the UN’s longstanding pleas for cutbacks and diversion of funds from the military into sustainable development.

Article / 2021年4月30日

一部の大国による最近の軍事支出の増加額は、軍事への資金を削減し持続可能な開発に転用するという国連の長年の嘆願を嘲笑していると、IPS newsのタリフ・ディーンは書いています。

Blog / 2021年4月26日

UK campaigning organisations are urging the government to rethink its military spending decisions in the light of the pandemic and the climate emergency.