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News / 2021年1月13日


News / 2021年1月13日

Billionaires whose wealth has soared during the coronavirus pandemic should stump up to provide emergency aid to the record numbers of people facing starvation, accordinng to the head of a US charity supporting the World Food Programme.

Report / 2020年12月24日

Tipping Point North Southによるプロジェクトは、21世紀の外交、防衛、安全保障、国際開発政策立案の中心に持続可能な人間の安全を置くために取り組んでいます。

Report / 2020年12月22日

A project by Tipping Point North South works to put sustainable human safety at the heart of 21st century foreign, defence, security and international development policy-making.

News / 2020年10月26日

In what leading campaigners are describing as “a new chapter for nuclear disarmament”, the ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will now come into force on 22 January, after Honduras became the 50th Member State to ratify on Saturday.

Report / 2020年10月26日

A new book lays out a progressive agenda for the post-COVID era, which relies on a global Green New Deal, a serious shift of resources from the military to human needs, a major upgrade in international cooperation, and a significant commitment to economic equity. 

News / 2020年10月26日


Blog / 2020年10月2日

The risk of nuclear war is the greatest it has been since the height of the Cold War. But there’s also been incredible progress in the past couple of years, explains Olivia Alperstein for OtherWords.

Article / 2020年10月1日

The only way forward for the United Nations is to acknowledge the key difference between 1945 and 2020 - decolonization - and abolish the permanent members of the Security Council altogether.

News / 2020年9月8日
