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Article / 2006年1月2日


Article / 2006年1月2日

In the early 1980s Willy Brandt created an Independent Commission to study world poverty. Brandt was concerned that the prevailing economic system was the cause of immense poverty, suffering and degradation. ...

News / 2005年7月21日

A letter from one of the UK's leading politcal activists Bruce Kent, endorsing the principle of sharing and the activities of STWR.

News / 2005年7月1日

A letter from Dr. Jack Preger MBE, founder of the humanitarian NGO, Calcutta Rescue, endorsing the work of STWR

Article / 2005年2月1日


Article / 2005年1月15日

The Asian tsunami has required international cooperation in coordinating a large scale and complex emergency relief program, the likes of which have not been seen before. However, the extent of the devastation has greatly dampened the relief efforts...

Article / 2004年11月24日

The greatest threat to the environment is climate change. We need to recognise that the burning of fossil fuels damage the environment and that petroleum is too valuable as a starting material to be merely consumed as a fuel. We must promote the formation of an International Renewable Energy Agency, argues Mohammed Mesbahi.

Article / 2004年11月24日


News / 2004年10月19日

We would like to thank all our members, contributors and the public for their valuable efforts and keen interest in our work at the European Social Forum last weekend.

News / 2004年10月1日

STWR would like to announce to all our members, contributors and visitors that we will be active participants at the upcoming European Social Forum in London between the 14th and 17th of October.