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News / 2023年12月1日

The world’s poorest countries are paying more than 12 times as much to their creditors as they are spending on measures to tackle the impact of global heating, a campaign group has warned.

Report / 2023年12月1日

The richest 1 percent of the world’s population produced as much carbon pollution in 2019 than the five billion people who made up the poorest two-thirds of humanity, reveals a new Oxfam report. 

    News / 2023年12月1日

    Countries at the UN have adopted by a landslide majority today a resolution to begin the process of establishing a framework convention on tax and completely change how global tax rules are decided.

    News / 2023年12月1日


    Report / 2023年12月1日


      Blog / 2023年11月22日

      People should not die because of their income or where they were born. We must have the courage to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry, writes Bernie Sanders.

      Blog / 2023年11月22日

      人々は収入や生まれた場所を理由に死ぬべきではありません。 私たちは製薬業界に立ち向かう勇気を持たなければならない、とバーニー・サンダースは書いています。

      Report / 2023年11月20日

      Pod okriljem Združenih narodov je mogoče v vsaki državi uvesti resnično univerzalni in brezpogojni temeljni dohodek. A za to bo sprva potrebna izjemna podpora javnosti pri odpravljanju lakote in nepotrebnega pomanjkanja na podlagi pravičnejše delitve svetovnih virov, kot poudarja Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi.

      Article / 2023年11月10日

      Many Americans believe that the nations abundance should be used not as a tool of death, but as a lifeline for poor and struggling people at home and abroad. By Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis.

      Blog / 2023年11月10日

      UK government policies continue to entrench poverty and inflict unnecessary misery on millions of people, says Just Fair director Jess McQuail and UN’s Olivier De Schutter.